Job opportunities in Colombia
Today we speak of people, synonymous with motivation,
talent, knowledge and creativity. This is why the market
has been transformed and remuneration has ceased to be the
main element to take into account when selecting a
job giving priority to other considerations such as
flexibility, conciliation measures, development
staff etc One of the important aspects observed in
the permanence or abandonment of an employee within a
organization focus on emotional reasons. The
professionals every day value more the flexibility, the
autonomy, support programs, training, measures of
reconciliation of personal and work life and a good atmosphere
In terms of contracting, around 20 percent of
the salaried population works without a written contract of
work, a percentage that is much higher at the national level and,
moreover, more than 10 percent is declared subcontracted, to which
states that they are hired through temporary services,
which these conditions are generally associated with
disadvantaged positions for workers in terms of
stability and economic and non-economic benefits.
Logistics, the great job opportunity with future projection
The growth of international freight traffic and the rise of electronic commerce multiply job options in the field of transport and supply chain management. For this reason, universities and business schools have designed official programs to offer specialized and regulated training to future professionals in this thriving sector.